Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Morning Work: August Daily Data

I've posted about my morning work before, but since it's the start of a new year I'm going to mention it again in case you want to use it too. I start Daily Data the first week of school and it just gets a little more complex each month. I just finished putting together my August Daily Data activities. There are five weeks worth of questions to use for August but I hope nobody's started back yet and will need all five!

Anyway, Daily Data is basically just a question of the week that the kids answer on Monday and then each day they complete an activity that relates to the data. In August we do it whole group and I model every little step of the way. So we actually complete it during math time and not during morning work time. But after about a month the kids are able to complete it independenlty so I bump it up to morning work. And once the kids know what to do it's so easy to prepare. There's only one copy a week that you need to make and very little set-up (just posting the question on the board for Monday). Here's what our first week of Daily Data will look like this year:
This month all the questions are yes/no and are answered on a T-chart. On Tuesday we make a tally chart, Wednesday we write about the data, Thursday we write equations, and Friday we transfer the data to a pictograph. And then we do it all again the next week with a different question. Easy peasy!
We'll record our data on this page which is cut in half and glued into our math notebooks.

If you're interest you can check out the pack on TPT ($2.00).