Sunday, July 29, 2012

Using Flashcards

I was reading Leslie's blog, Kindergarten Works, the other day and she had the best idea for using flashcards during her guided math groups. You know that time at the beginning of group when the kids need to sit down and get busy while you're trying to fix a dang computer, or at the end when you really need to write down some notes but the kids need to be busy too? Well this is perfect and s.i.m.p.l.e.

Leslie's kids quiz each other with flashcards and lie them down on colored foam pieces according to how well they know the answer.
green = fast
yellow = slow
red = didn't know the answer
Hop over to Kindergarten Works to read more on her post about organizing her guided math area.

I was so excited I wanted to make little foam mats right then! I hoard craft supplies but wouldn't you know I only had green foam! So I just made a document to print off and use at my table. Here's a copy if you want it too.


  1. What a great idea. Thank you for sharing!!


  2. Hello;
    I have read your blog regarding kids mats, As you had right wonderful article, and this is very interesting.
    Thanks for sharing such wonderful blog.

  3. We like to call is "flash card flash!" to make it sound more enticing ;) Here's an updated post and thanks for sharing! ALPHABET IDENTIFICATION – 6 GUIDED READING SKILL GROUP MATERIALS {FREE PRINTABLES}
    - Leslie @KindergartenWorks
