Friday, April 1, 2011

Literacy Station Rotation Chart

Yesterday I was in a hurry and I forgot to post pictures of my literacy station rotation chart. The Daily 5 says to eventually allow kids to choose their own stations and I've tried that but I never felt comfortable with it. I also have an inclusion class and sometimes those kids (and others too) just need more structure. So my kids have to follow this rotation chart.

We only do 4 stations a day (and they stay the same all week). The kids' names are on index cards and then they see the order in which they will do their 4 stations that day. Each week I move the index cards down a row. And I may change the station cards. For this week I don't have read to buddy as a station, so next week I may replace work on writing with read to buddy. I just try to change it every few weeks, but it involves no set up, just moving cards around.

The green, red, yellow, and blue tags above the stations show which reading group comes to my table at that time. The yellow and blue groups only come every other day. And during the 4th station I have intevention, so I just call a few kids by name to visit my table again.

This is a close up of the charts we made at the beginning of the year to learn and practice our stations and graph our "stamina". I got the idea from - an awesome site for kinder and 1st! I tweaked her charts just a little. I have the charts saved somewhere and can share if anyone wants them. (Edit: I found the charts and posted them here)

And an awesome special ed. aid made these pics to remind my kids of what is expected during stations.

This has worked for me for a few years now, but I love to see how everyone else sets their schedule up.


  1. Sure, as soon as I figure out where I saved them I'll post the charts (they may be saved at school, not sure).

  2. I would also love these charts! THANKS!

  3. I would LOVE the charts as well! TY so much!

  4. Thanks for sweet comments! I posted the charts so you can download them here

  5. I was googling how to rotate station and came across your blog. Nice!!!

    I just posted how I rotate stations in my room. Check it out.

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